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Optimizing OEE

The Definitive Guide to OEE

The goal of this fool proof guide to OEE is to assist manufacturers with understanding the nuances of OEE when optimizing their factory floor.

With the right data and the right tools to visualize data, production monitoring can connect your machines and empower you to help solve many of the manufacturing challenges affecting productivity.

"What Will I Learn?"

In this guide, we’ll explore precisely why OEE mastery is so elusive for manufacturers. But we’ll also outline a proven strategic framework leveraging production monitoring and analytics technology to inject OEE with the focus, rigor and visibility it deserves.

  • Our Approach: Start Simple, Think Big, Move Fast

  • Optimizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness

  • A Layered Response

  • The Path Forward Starts with Unified Data

  • Where Are Your Real OEE Loses Hiding?

  • Instantly Share Operational Visibility Anywhere, Anytime

  • OEE Analytics for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

OEE Dashboard
Definitive Guide to OEE

Optimizing OEE to Create Calm & Flow on the Factory Floor

For almost every manufacturer, production monitoring is the first step in gaining greater plant floor visibility. 

A true manufacturing production monitoring software is designed to provide visibility on the factory floor by acquiring data from the machines on the floor, cleaning and contextualizing that data, calculating KPI’s, and producing role-based visualizations and dashboards. With data in context, you can gain actionable insights that will help you improve your manufacturing processes. 

By connecting to machines and gathering the necessary data, manufacturers will be able to:

  • Get visibility and understanding of what’s happening in the plant
  • Eliminate Excel and paper-based reporting
  • Stop problems as they happen 
  • Know where the schedule stands
  • Use data to make decisions 
  • Gather from anywhere

By leveraging production monitoring, manufacturers get more insight and understanding of performance on the factory floor.

Start Simple and Move Fast

You can’t control what you don’t measure. In order to begin optimizing the factory floor to improve OEE, it is important to consider how quality, performance and availability affect the bottom line.

Even a 1% increase in OEE can have dramatic effects on your plant’s throughput. Mingo Smart Factory has recently published a calculator to help new customers estimate the ROI that a production monitoring system can have.

We believe in a “start simple, think big, move fast” approach when implementing production monitoring on the plant floor. It’s okay to start with one data point. Set up automatic reporting so you can focus on running everything else. Then, once you’ve solved one problem, continuously improve the rest of your plant floor.

OEE Analysis Calculator

A 1% OEE Increase Could Save Your Organization $40,000

Most customers see a ROI within the first 3 months. Mingo Smart Factory recently published an OEE Increase Analysis calculator that will show how much an OEE increase will impact your bottom line.

Curious to See How Much You Could Save?

Use the calendar to schedule a live demo of the calculator with a member of our team.

Curious to See How Much You Could Save?

Use the calendar below to schedule a live demo of the calculator with a member of our team.

Versatech Increased OEE By 30%

“The biggest benefit of Mingo to me was the ability to easily dig out whatever data I needed… I feel like this really helped us focus on specific problems, and helped our entire business work more efficiently”

Matt Perry
