How to Calculate Availability in Epicor

In the manufacturing industry, measuring and analyzing key performance metrics is vital for identifying areas of improvement and driving operational efficiency. One important metric that provides valuable insights into the performance of manufacturing processes is availability. By calculating availability, businesses can determine the amount of time that production resources are available for use, allowing for better planning and scheduling.

Value of Availability Metric When Calculating OEE

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a comprehensive metric that evaluates the performance of equipment in terms of availability, performance, and quality. Availability is a fundamental component of OEE and is a critical factor in determining the overall productivity and efficiency of manufacturing operations.

By calculating availability, manufacturing companies can identify and address potential bottlenecks and downtime, leading to improved efficiency and increased production output. Additionally, availability can help in identifying equipment that requires maintenance or replacement, ultimately reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on production.

Furthermore, availability plays a crucial role in predictive maintenance strategies. By monitoring equipment availability in real-time, manufacturers can predict potential failures before they occur, allowing for proactive maintenance scheduling and minimizing unplanned downtime. This proactive approach not only increases equipment reliability but also extends the lifespan of machinery, reducing overall maintenance costs in the long run.

Moreover, availability metrics are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of production schedules and resource allocation. By analyzing availability data over time, manufacturers can optimize production schedules to maximize equipment utilization and minimize idle time. This data-driven approach enables companies to make informed decisions regarding capacity planning and resource allocation, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost savings.

Key Metrics to Consider in Availability Calculations

When calculating manufacturing availability in Epicor, it is essential to consider various key metrics that contribute to the overall availability percentage. These metrics include:

  1. Planned Production Time: This refers to the total time that the equipment is planned to operate within the specified production schedule.
  2. Unplanned Downtime: Unplanned downtime accounts for the time when the equipment is unavailable due to unexpected issues such as breakdowns or malfunctions.
  3. Changeover Time: Changeover time is the duration required to switch between different products or setups on a particular equipment.

By considering these metrics, manufacturing companies can accurately calculate availability and gain a comprehensive view of their production resources’ utilization.

Another crucial metric to take into account when calculating availability is Maintenance Time. Maintenance time includes both preventive maintenance scheduled in advance and any corrective maintenance needed to address unexpected equipment issues. Properly managing maintenance time is essential for maximizing equipment uptime and overall production efficiency.

Furthermore, Idle Time is another factor that impacts availability calculations. Idle time refers to periods when equipment is not in operation due to reasons such as material shortages, waiting for quality control checks, or other operational delays. Identifying and minimizing idle time is key to optimizing production schedules and ensuring optimal equipment utilization.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Availability in Epicor

Calculating manufacturing availability in Epicor involves a systematic approach to ensure accurate and reliable results. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Access Epicor ERP

  1. Log in to Epicor: Use your credentials to access the Epicor ERP system. Your access level will determine which modules and features are available to you.
  2. Navigate to the Production Management Module: This module contains the tools and data necessary for managing and monitoring production activities, where you’ll find the information required for the availability calculation.

Step 2: Gather the Required Data

To calculate availability, you need two key data points:

  1. Run Time: This is the total time that the production equipment was actively running and producing goods.
    • Navigate to the Job Management or Shop Floor Control section within Epicor.
    • Select the relevant job or production order.
    • The Run Time can typically be found in the Job Details or Operation Tracker where operators log actual production times.
  2. Planned Production Time: This is the total time scheduled for production, excluding planned downtime (e.g., scheduled maintenance or breaks).
    • In the same Job Management section, locate the planned production time.
    • Planned production time is usually defined during the job scheduling phase and can be found in the Job Scheduling or Resource Scheduling details.

Step 3: Perform the Calculation

With the necessary data collected:

  1. Open a Calculator or Spreadsheet: Epicor may not automatically calculate this specific availability metric, so you can perform the calculation manually or in a spreadsheet like Excel.
  2. Calculate Availability:
    • Divide the Run Time by the Planned Production Time.

Step 4: Record and Analyze the Availability

  1. Document the Calculation: Record the calculated availability percentage in a report, spreadsheet, or directly into Epicor if your system has custom fields or dashboards for OEE metrics.
  2. Compare Against Targets: Evaluate the calculated availability against internal benchmarks or industry standards to assess the efficiency of your production processes.
  3. Investigate Variances: If availability is lower than expected, use Epicor’s reporting and analytics tools to investigate potential issues, such as unexpected downtime, delays in starting production, or equipment malfunctions.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  1. Monitor Availability Regularly: Continuously track availability data to identify trends, recurring issues, or opportunities for improvement.
  2. Implement Process Improvements: Based on your analysis, take corrective actions such as optimizing production schedules, minimizing unplanned downtime, or enhancing equipment maintenance practices.
  3. Leverage Epicor’s Advanced Features: Utilize Epicor’s advanced features like Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for real-time data collection and Epicor Data Analytics (EDA) for in-depth analysis, to improve the accuracy and efficiency of availability tracking.

Following these comprehensive steps will enable manufacturing companies to not only accurately calculate availability but also gain valuable insights into their production efficiency. By addressing underlying issues, optimizing processes, and continuously monitoring performance, organizations can enhance their manufacturing operations and drive sustainable growth.

Utilizing Epicor Reports for Enhanced Insights

Epicor, a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, provides powerful reporting capabilities that can enhance the analysis of availability metrics. By leveraging Epicor’s reporting tools, manufacturing companies can generate detailed reports to monitor and analyze availability trends over time, identify patterns, and make strategic decisions to improve overall manufacturing performance.

Additionally, Epicor’s reporting features enable in-depth analysis by comparing availability metrics across different production resources, shifts, or product lines, allowing for targeted improvements and optimization.

Epicor’s reporting functionalities extend beyond availability metrics to encompass various aspects of manufacturing operations. These reports can delve into production efficiency, quality control measures, inventory management, and supply chain performance. By utilizing these comprehensive reports, manufacturers can gain a holistic view of their operations and pinpoint areas for enhancement and cost savings.

Furthermore, Epicor’s reporting tools offer customizable dashboards and real-time data visualization options, empowering users to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends effortlessly. This dynamic reporting capability enables quick decision-making based on up-to-date information, fostering agility and responsiveness in a competitive manufacturing landscape.

Common Challenges in Calculating Availability

While calculating manufacturing availability can provide valuable insights, several common challenges can impact the accuracy of the calculations. These challenges include:

  • Data Accuracy: Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to skewed availability results. It is crucial to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected for availability calculations.
  • Downtime Classification: Properly classifying downtime events as planned or unplanned is essential for accurate availability calculations. Clear guidelines and protocols should be established to ensure consistent data classification.
  • Changeover Time Measurement: Accurately measuring changeover time can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex production setups. Standardizing measurement processes and utilizing automated tracking systems can help mitigate this challenge.

Manufacturing companies should address these challenges to ensure the accuracy and reliability of availability calculations, allowing for better decision-making and optimization of production processes.

Another significant challenge in calculating availability lies in the integration of real-time data. In today’s fast-paced manufacturing environments, the ability to capture and analyze data in real-time is crucial for accurate availability calculations. Implementing advanced data collection technologies such as IoT sensors and predictive analytics can enhance the accuracy of availability calculations by providing up-to-the-minute data on equipment performance and downtime events.

Furthermore, the interpretation of availability metrics can pose a challenge for manufacturing companies. Understanding the implications of availability rates, such as how they impact overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and production scheduling, requires a deep understanding of the manufacturing processes. Companies should invest in training programs to ensure that personnel responsible for calculating and analyzing availability metrics have the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions based on the data.

Integrating Smart Factory Tools for Accurate Availability Insights

As manufacturing processes become increasingly digitized, smart factory tools can play a significant role in calculating availability accurately. These tools, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and real-time monitoring systems, provide real-time data on equipment performance and availability, offering unparalleled insights into production processes.

By integrating smart factory tools with Epicor or other manufacturing systems, businesses can track availability metrics in real-time, identify anomalies, and proactively address potential issues. This proactive approach to availability monitoring enables manufacturers to optimize production resources and minimize downtime, ultimately improving overall manufacturing performance.

Implementing smart factory tools involves a strategic approach to ensure seamless integration with existing systems and processes. It requires a thorough assessment of the manufacturing environment, identification of key performance indicators, and customization of tools to meet specific business needs. Additionally, training employees on how to effectively utilize these tools is crucial for maximizing their potential and driving operational efficiency.

Furthermore, the data collected from smart factory tools can be analyzed using advanced analytics techniques to uncover patterns, trends, and opportunities for optimization. By harnessing the power of predictive analytics, manufacturers can forecast equipment failures, plan maintenance schedules, and streamline production workflows. This data-driven approach not only enhances availability insights but also empowers decision-makers to make informed choices that positively impact the bottom line.

Schedule a Mingo Smart Factory Demo Today

Curious to see how many steps it takes to calculate availability in Mingo Smart Factory? The answer is one. The availability calculation is automatically done for you in the manufacturing dashboard. By following a systematic approach and considering key metrics, businesses can gain valuable insights to drive continuous improvement. Additionally, leveraging powerful reporting capabilities and integrating smart factory tools can further enhance availability analysis and contribute to overall operational excellence.

Ready to elevate your manufacturing availability calculations to the next level? Mingo Smart Factory offers the simplest, fastest-to-implement system that grows with your business. Our productivity platform is designed for ease of use by your operations team, without the need for dedicated IT support. Whether you’re looking to connect to existing equipment or require hardware for data collection on legacy machines, Mingo has you covered. Deploy our plug-and-play solution in days, not months, and customize it to fit your unique manufacturing needs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your production efficiency. Talk to an Expert today and discover how Mingo Smart Factory can help you achieve operational excellence.

Picture of Alyxandra Sherwood
Alyxandra Sherwood
Digital Marketing Manager @ Mingo Smart Factory I Adjunct Professor @ SUNY Geneseo I Boston Marathoner I Second Street Award Winner I Media Professional with 15 Years Experience