How to Calculate Availability in Global Shop

In the manufacturing industry, it is crucial to optimize the availability of machines and equipment to ensure smooth operations and maximize productivity. One effective way to measure availability is by using the Global Shop system, which provides valuable insights into the performance of manufacturing processes. By understanding how to calculate manufacturing availability in Global Shop, businesses can identify and address issues that may hinder production. In this article, we will explore the value of the availability metric, key metrics for measuring availability, a step-by-step guide to calculating manufacturing availability in Global Shop, troubleshooting availability issues, and the benefits of integrating smart factory tools for accurate availability insights.

Value of Availability Metric When Calculating OEE

When assessing the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of a manufacturing process, availability plays a crucial role. Availability measures the percentage of time that a machine or equipment is available to perform its intended function. By calculating availability, manufacturers gain valuable insights into downtime, delays, and equipment inefficiencies. This metric highlights opportunities for improvement, allowing businesses to identify areas for optimization and resource allocation.

Moreover, availability is not just about the physical presence of equipment; it also encompasses factors such as planned maintenance schedules, unexpected breakdowns, changeovers, and setup times. Understanding the various components that contribute to availability can help organizations develop proactive maintenance strategies and minimize unplanned downtime. By monitoring availability closely, companies can implement preventive maintenance measures to ensure continuous operation and maximize production output.

Furthermore, availability is interconnected with other OEE factors, namely performance and quality. A machine may be available for production, but if it is not performing at its optimal speed or producing goods that meet quality standards, overall equipment effectiveness will be compromised. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of availability in conjunction with performance and quality metrics is essential for achieving peak operational efficiency and driving sustainable growth in manufacturing operations.

Key Metrics for Measuring Availability in Global Shop

In Global Shop, several key metrics can be used to measure availability effectively. One important metric is the planned production time, which represents the total amount of time that a machine or equipment is scheduled to be in operation. This metric is crucial for production planning and resource allocation, as it helps in determining the capacity utilization of the manufacturing facility. Manufacturers often use advanced scheduling algorithms to optimize planned production time and ensure maximum efficiency.

Another essential metric is the actual production time, which measures the total time that a machine is actually running and producing goods. This metric provides valuable insights into the performance of the production process and helps in identifying bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the manufacturing operations. By analyzing the actual production time, manufacturers can make informed decisions to improve productivity and reduce lead times.

By comparing these two metrics, manufacturers can determine the availability percentage, which represents the amount of time the machine is available for production. This metric is a key indicator of equipment reliability and maintenance effectiveness. A high availability percentage indicates that the manufacturing facility is operating efficiently, with minimal downtime and disruptions. Manufacturers often set availability targets to drive continuous improvement and ensure consistent production output.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Availability in Global Shop

To calculate manufacturing availability in Global Shop, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Access Global Shop Solutions ERP

  1. Log in to Global Shop Solutions: Use your credentials to access the system. Your access level will determine which modules and features are available to you.
  2. Navigate to the Shop Management Module: This module contains the tools and data necessary for managing and monitoring production activities, where you’ll find the information required for the availability calculation.

Step 2: Gather the Required Data

To calculate availability, you need two key data points:

  1. Run Time: This is the total time that production equipment was actively running and producing goods.
    • Go to the Shop Management or Production Data Collection section within Global Shop.
    • Select the relevant job, work order, or work center.
    • The Run Time can be found in the Work Order Details or Shop Floor Data section, where operators log actual production times. You might also find this information in Machine Utilization Reports.
  2. Planned Production Time: This is the total time scheduled for production, excluding planned downtime (e.g., scheduled maintenance, breaks).
    • In the same Work Order or Job Details section, locate the planned production time.
    • Planned production time is typically set during job scheduling and can be found in the Routing or Work Order Scheduling details.

Step 3: Perform the Calculation

Once you have the necessary data:

  1. Open a Calculator or Spreadsheet: While Global Shop Solutions may not automatically calculate this specific availability metric, you can perform the calculation manually or use a spreadsheet like Excel.
  2. Calculate Availability:
    • Divide the Run Time by the Planned Production Time

Step 4: Record and Analyze the Availability

  1. Document the Calculation: Record the calculated availability percentage in a report, spreadsheet, or directly into Global Shop if your system allows for custom fields or dashboard integration.
  2. Compare Against Targets: Evaluate the calculated availability against internal benchmarks or industry standards to assess the efficiency of your production processes.
  3. Investigate Variances: If availability is lower than expected, use Global Shop Solutions’ reporting and analytics tools to investigate potential causes, such as unexpected downtime, delays in job start times, or other operational inefficiencies.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  1. Monitor Availability Regularly: Continuously track availability data to identify trends, recurring issues, or opportunities for improvement.
  2. Implement Process Improvements: Based on your analysis, take corrective actions such as optimizing work schedules, reducing unplanned downtime, or enhancing maintenance practices.
  3. Leverage Global Shop Features: Utilize features like Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) and Machine Monitoring to automate data collection, streamline calculations, and improve the accuracy of availability tracking.

By following these steps, businesses can accurately determine the availability percentage and gain a comprehensive understanding of their manufacturing process efficiency.

It is essential for manufacturing companies to monitor and analyze their availability metrics regularly to identify areas for improvement and optimize their production processes. By calculating manufacturing availability in Global Shop, businesses can pinpoint specific issues such as excessive downtime or inefficiencies in production planning.

Moreover, tracking manufacturing availability over time can help businesses assess the impact of process changes or investments in new equipment on their overall efficiency. This data-driven approach enables companies to make informed decisions that drive continuous improvement and enhance their competitiveness in the market.

Troubleshooting Availability Issues in Global Shop

Despite meticulous planning and monitoring, availability issues may arise in Global Shop. It is crucial to troubleshoot these issues promptly to minimize downtime and maintain optimal productivity. One common issue is equipment breakdowns, which can be addressed through preventive maintenance and routine checks. Additionally, staff training and knowledge sharing initiatives can empower employees to identify and resolve availability problems promptly. Regular data analysis and performance tracking in Global Shop can also help identify recurring issues and proactively address them.

Another factor that can impact availability in Global Shop is network connectivity. Poor network infrastructure or bandwidth limitations can lead to slow response times and service disruptions. Conducting regular network assessments and investing in robust networking solutions can help mitigate these issues. Implementing redundancy in network connections and utilizing load balancing techniques can also improve availability and ensure seamless operations in Global Shop.

Furthermore, external factors such as power outages or natural disasters can significantly affect the availability of Global Shop. Developing a comprehensive disaster recovery plan that includes backup power sources, off-site data storage, and emergency protocols is essential to ensure business continuity during unforeseen events. Regularly testing the disaster recovery plan and conducting drills with employees can help identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall resilience of Global Shop in the face of unexpected challenges.

Integrating Smart Factory Tools for Accurate Availability Insights

Integrating smart factory tools into the manufacturing process can provide businesses with more accurate availability insights. These tools, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and predictive analytics software, enable real-time monitoring of equipment, automatic data collection, and proactive maintenance alerts. By leveraging advanced technologies, businesses can identify availability constraints and make informed decisions to optimize production processes further. The integration of smart factory tools adds another layer of efficiency and reliability to the availability calculation in Global Shop.

Moreover, the implementation of smart factory tools not only enhances availability insights but also contributes to overall operational excellence. These tools can facilitate predictive maintenance schedules, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of machinery. Additionally, they enable the collection of valuable data that can be analyzed to identify patterns and trends, leading to continuous process improvements and cost savings. By embracing smart factory tools, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and adapt to the dynamic demands of the modern manufacturing landscape.

Schedule a Mingo Smart Factory Demo Today

Curious to see how many steps it takes to calculate availability in Mingo Smart Factory? The answer is one. The availability calculation is automatically done for you in the manufacturing dashboard. By understanding the value of the availability metric, leveraging key metrics for measurement, following a step-by-step guide, troubleshooting availability issues, and integrating smart factory tools, businesses can enhance their understanding of availability and make informed decisions to improve productivity and overall equipment effectiveness.

Ready to elevate your manufacturing operations to the next level? Mingo Smart Factory offers the perfect solution to enhance your production availability and overall equipment effectiveness. With our easy-to-use, rapidly deployable system, you won’t have to worry about outgrowing your manufacturing platform. Our plug-and-play productivity platform is designed for operations teams and requires no dedicated IT support, making it an ideal choice for manufacturers looking to customize their processes without the hassle. Whether you’re looking to connect to existing equipment or need hardware for data collection on older machines, Mingo has you covered. Don’t let inefficiencies hold you back. Talk to an Expert today and discover how Mingo Smart Factory can transform your production process.

Picture of Alyxandra Sherwood
Alyxandra Sherwood
Digital Marketing Manager @ Mingo Smart Factory I Adjunct Professor @ SUNY Geneseo I Boston Marathoner I Second Street Award Winner I Media Professional with 15 Years Experience