How to Calculate Availability in SYSPRO

Accurate insights into the availability of your production assets are essential to the manufacturing process. Understanding how to calculate manufacturing availability in SYSPRO can provide valuable data for measuring Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and making informed decisions to improve production efficiency. This article will guide you through the key steps and metrics involved in calculating manufacturing availability in SYSPRO, as well as addressing common challenges and tools to enhance accuracy.

Value of Availability Metric When Calculating OEE

Availability is one of the three fundamental metrics used in calculating Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), alongside Performance Efficiency and Quality Rate. It represents the percentage of time that a production asset is available for operation. By accurately measuring availability, manufacturers can identify periods of downtime and evaluate the efficiency of their assets. The availability metric provides valuable insights into the utilization of resources and helps organizations identify areas for improvement to enhance overall production efficiency.

When analyzing the availability metric, it is crucial to differentiate between planned and unplanned downtime. Planned downtime includes scheduled maintenance, changeovers, and other planned events that require the equipment to be offline. On the other hand, unplanned downtime refers to unexpected equipment failures, shortages of input materials, or any other unforeseen events that halt production unexpectedly. Understanding the reasons behind both types of downtime is essential for improving overall equipment availability and minimizing production disruptions.

Moreover, tracking the availability metric over time can reveal patterns and trends that can help manufacturers predict potential issues before they escalate. By implementing proactive maintenance strategies based on availability data, organizations can reduce downtime, optimize production schedules, and ultimately increase their OEE. Continuous monitoring and analysis of availability metrics are essential components of a successful OEE improvement initiative, enabling companies to achieve higher levels of operational efficiency and competitiveness in today’s dynamic manufacturing landscape.

Key Metrics for Measuring Availability in SYSPRO

Calculating manufacturing availability in SYSPRO requires the consideration of several key metrics, including Planned Production Time (PPT), Ideal Cycle Time (ICT), and Unplanned Downtime (UDT). PPT refers to the total time a production asset is scheduled for operation, excluding any planned maintenance or scheduled downtime. ICT represents the theoretical time required to produce one unit of output without any interruptions or inefficiencies. UDT encompasses unexpected events that cause production interruptions, such as equipment breakdowns, changeovers, or material shortages.

By accurately capturing these metrics, manufacturers can measure the availability of their production assets and identify specific issues affecting downtime. This data-driven approach empowers organizations to make informed decisions, prioritize maintenance activities, and optimize production schedules to maximize asset utilization.

Furthermore, in addition to the key metrics mentioned above, another crucial factor in measuring availability in SYSPRO is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE is a comprehensive metric that takes into account three key aspects of equipment performance: availability, performance efficiency, and quality rate. By analyzing OEE, manufacturers can gain a holistic view of how well their production assets are performing and where improvements can be made to enhance overall efficiency.

It is essential for manufacturers to also consider the impact of human factors on availability. Factors such as operator training, shift schedules, and workforce motivation can significantly influence production uptime. By incorporating these human-centric elements into availability measurements, organizations can address potential bottlenecks and enhance operational performance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Availability in SYSPRO

To calculate manufacturing availability in SYSPRO, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Access SYSPRO ERP

  1. Log in to SYSPRO: Use your credentials to access the SYSPRO system. The modules and features you can access will depend on your user role and permissions.
  2. Navigate to the Manufacturing Operations Module: This module contains the tools and data necessary for managing and monitoring production activities, including the information required to calculate availability.

Step 2: Gather the Required Data

To calculate availability, you need two key data points:

  1. Run Time: This is the total time that production equipment was actively running and producing goods.
    • Navigate to the Job Management or Production Scheduling section within SYSPRO.
    • Select the relevant job, work order, or machine.
    • The Run Time can be found in the Work Order History or Production Activity records, where operators log the actual time the equipment was in operation. This data may also be captured through Shop Floor Data Collection (SFDC) if enabled.
  2. Planned Production Time: This is the total time scheduled for production, excluding planned downtime (e.g., scheduled maintenance, breaks).
    • In the same Job Management section, locate the planned production time.
    • Planned production time is usually set during the job creation or scheduling phase and can be found in the Job Details or Routing records.

Step 3: Perform the Calculation

Once you have gathered the necessary data:

  1. Open a Calculator or Spreadsheet: While SYSPRO may not automatically calculate this specific availability metric, you can perform the calculation manually or use a spreadsheet like Excel.
  2. Calculate Availability:
    • Divide the Run Time by the Planned Production Time.

Step 4: Record and Analyze the Availability

  1. Document the Calculation: Record the calculated availability percentage in a report, spreadsheet, or directly into SYSPRO if your system allows for custom fields or dashboard integration.
  2. Compare Against Targets: Evaluate the calculated availability against internal benchmarks or industry standards to assess the efficiency of your production processes.
  3. Investigate Variances: If availability is lower than expected, use SYSPRO’s reporting and analytics tools to investigate potential causes, such as unexpected downtime, delays in job start times, or other operational inefficiencies.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  1. Monitor Availability Regularly: Continuously track availability data to identify trends, recurring issues, or opportunities for improvement.
  2. Implement Process Improvements: Based on your analysis, take corrective actions such as optimizing work schedules, reducing unplanned downtime, or enhancing maintenance practices.
  3. Leverage SYSPRO Features: Utilize features like Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Shop Floor Data Collection (SFDC), and Business Analytics to automate data collection, streamline calculations, and improve the accuracy of availability tracking.

By following these steps and accurately capturing the relevant metrics, manufacturers can calculate the availability of their production assets in SYSPRO and gain invaluable insights into production efficiency.

Utilizing SYSPRO Tools for Accurate Data

SYSPRO offers various tools and features to facilitate accurate data collection and availability calculation. These tools, such as real-time monitoring systems and integrated data collection modules, enable manufacturers to capture downtime events, analyze production metrics, and generate informative reports for decision-making purposes.

By leveraging SYSPRO’s advanced capabilities, manufacturers can enhance data accuracy, improve availability calculations, and drive continuous improvement initiatives within their production processes.

One key feature of SYSPRO tools is the ability to integrate with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, allowing for seamless data collection from various sensors and equipment on the manufacturing floor. This real-time data integration provides manufacturers with up-to-the-minute insights into their production processes, enabling quick decision-making and proactive maintenance strategies.

Additionally, SYSPRO’s tools offer predictive analytics capabilities, utilizing machine learning algorithms to forecast potential downtime events and optimize production schedules. By harnessing the power of predictive analytics, manufacturers can minimize disruptions, reduce costs, and maximize overall equipment effectiveness.

Common Challenges in Availability Calculation

Calculating manufacturing availability can present several challenges that manufacturers should be aware of and address to ensure accurate results. Some common challenges include:

  • Unreliable production data collection systems
  • Lack of standardized downtime tracking processes
  • Inaccurate reporting of downtime events
  • Difficulty in categorizing downtime reasons

To overcome these challenges, it is essential to establish robust data collection systems, implement standardized processes for tracking downtime, train personnel for accurate reporting, and develop a comprehensive downtime categorization framework. Addressing these challenges will significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of availability calculations within SYSPRO.

Moreover, it is crucial for manufacturers to consider the impact of external factors on availability calculations. External factors such as supplier delays, transportation issues, or sudden changes in market demand can significantly affect production uptime and downtime. By incorporating these external factors into availability calculations, manufacturers can gain a more holistic view of their operational efficiency and make informed decisions to optimize production processes.

Continuous monitoring and analysis of availability data are essential for identifying trends, patterns, and potential areas for improvement. By leveraging advanced analytics tools and techniques, manufacturers can gain valuable insights into the root causes of downtime, optimize production schedules, and enhance overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). This proactive approach to availability calculation not only improves operational performance but also helps in mitigating risks and maximizing productivity in the long run.

Integrating Smart Factory Tools for Accurate Availability Insights

As manufacturers continue their digital transformation journey, integrating smart factory tools and technologies can significantly enhance the accuracy of availability insights. Machine sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and advanced analytics can provide real-time data on equipment performance, facilitate predictive maintenance, and enable proactive decision-making to minimize downtime and optimize asset utilization.

By harnessing the power of these smart factory solutions, manufacturers can unlock new levels of availability analysis, improve production efficiencies, and drive sustainable competitive advantages in today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape.

Furthermore, the implementation of smart factory tools can also lead to enhanced safety protocols within manufacturing facilities. With real-time data monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities, manufacturers can proactively identify and address potential safety hazards, ensuring a secure working environment for employees and minimizing the risk of accidents or equipment failures.

The integration of IoT devices and machine learning algorithms in smart factories can revolutionize supply chain management processes. By enabling seamless communication between different stages of production, from raw material procurement to final product assembly, manufacturers can optimize inventory levels, reduce lead times, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Schedule a Mingo Smart Factory Demo Today

Curious to see how many steps it takes to calculate availability in Mingo Smart Factory? The answer is one. The availability calculation is automatically done for you in the manufacturing dashboard. Ready to take the next step in maximizing your manufacturing availability and efficiency? Mingo Smart Factory offers a seamless, easy-to-use solution that’s quick to implement and designed to grow with your operations. Our productivity platform is a plug-and-play system that empowers your manufacturing team to manage without the need for dedicated IT support. Whether you’re looking to connect to existing equipment or need hardware for data collection on legacy machines, Mingo has you covered. Don’t let another day of potential downtime impact your production—talk to an expert today and discover how Mingo Smart Factory can transform your operations.

Picture of Alyxandra Sherwood
Alyxandra Sherwood
Digital Marketing Manager @ Mingo Smart Factory I Adjunct Professor @ SUNY Geneseo I Boston Marathoner I Second Street Award Winner I Media Professional with 15 Years Experience