How to Calculate Availability in SyteLine

Manufacturing availability is a crucial metric that helps measure overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in the manufacturing industry. By calculating and monitoring availability, businesses can gain valuable insights into the efficiency of their processes, identify areas for improvement, and optimize production. In this article, we will explore the value of availability metric when calculating OEE, key metrics for measuring availability in SyteLine, a step-by-step guide to calculating manufacturing availability in SyteLine, tools and features in SyteLine for enhanced accuracy, common challenges in availability calculation, and integrating smart factory tools for accurate availability insights.

Value of Availability Metric When Calculating OEE

Availability is one of the three key components used to calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), a crucial metric in the manufacturing industry. Alongside performance and quality, availability plays a significant role in assessing the efficiency of production processes. It provides a measure of the actual production time compared to the total available time, offering insights into the utilization of resources and equipment.

When manufacturers delve deeper into availability metrics, they uncover valuable data that can drive strategic decision-making. By identifying and analyzing periods of downtime, such as machine breakdowns or changeovers, businesses can pinpoint bottlenecks in their operations and implement targeted solutions to enhance productivity. This proactive approach not only minimizes disruptions but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.

Moreover, the impact of availability extends beyond operational efficiency to the financial aspect of manufacturing. Maximizing availability directly influences the cost-effectiveness of production processes by reducing idle machine expenses and eliminating production backlog. This optimization not only boosts profitability but also enhances the competitive edge of companies in the dynamic market landscape.

Key Metrics for Measuring Availability in SyteLine

When calculating manufacturing availability in SyteLine, specific metrics are used to assess the performance of equipment and identify potential issues. These metrics include:

  1. Planned Production Time: The total time scheduled for production, including planned downtime for maintenance, changeovers, and breaks.
  2. Actual Production Time: The actual time spent in production, excluding any planned or unplanned downtime.
  3. Downtime: The sum of planned and unplanned periods where production is not taking place.

These metrics provide a comprehensive view of equipment availability and help manufacturers pinpoint areas for improvement.

Another important metric for measuring availability in SyteLine is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE takes into account the availability, performance, and quality of equipment to provide a holistic view of its efficiency. By analyzing OEE, manufacturers can identify opportunities to optimize production processes and maximize output.

In addition to OEE, Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is a crucial metric for assessing equipment reliability in SyteLine. MTBF calculates the average time between equipment failures, helping manufacturers predict maintenance needs and minimize unplanned downtime. By monitoring MTBF, manufacturers can proactively address potential issues before they impact production.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Availability in SyteLine

Calculating manufacturing availability in SyteLine involves a straightforward process that can be broken down into the following steps:

Step 1: Access Infor SyteLine ERP

  1. Log in to SyteLine: Use your credentials to access the system. Your permissions will determine which modules and features are available.
  2. Navigate to the Manufacturing or Production Module: This module contains the necessary tools and data for managing and tracking production activities, including the information required to calculate availability.

Step 2: Gather the Required Data

To calculate availability, you need two critical data points:

  1. Run Time: This is the total time that production equipment was actively running and producing goods.
    • Navigate to the Shop Floor Control or Production Management section within SyteLine.
    • Select the relevant job, work order, or machine.
    • The Run Time can be found in the Job Operations or Production Schedule records, where the system logs the actual time equipment was in operation. This data might also be captured through Shop Floor Data Collection (SFDC).
  2. Planned Production Time: This is the total time scheduled for production, excluding planned downtime (e.g., scheduled maintenance, breaks).
    • In the same Job Operations section, locate the planned production time.
    • Planned production time is usually established during the job scheduling process and can be found in the Work Center Schedule or Routing details.

Step 3: Perform the Calculation

Once you have the necessary data:

  1. Open a Calculator or Spreadsheet: While SyteLine may not automatically perform this specific availability calculation, you can do it manually or use a spreadsheet like Excel.
  2. Calculate Availability:
    • Divide the Run Time by the Planned Production Time.

Step 4: Record and Analyze the Availability

  1. Document the Calculation: Record the calculated availability percentage in a report, spreadsheet, or directly within SyteLine if your system allows for custom fields or dashboard integration.
  2. Compare Against Targets: Evaluate the calculated availability against internal benchmarks or industry standards to assess the efficiency of your production processes.
  3. Investigate Variances: If the availability is lower than expected, use SyteLine’s analytics and reporting tools to investigate potential issues, such as unexpected downtime, delays in job start times, or equipment failures.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  1. Monitor Availability Regularly: Continuously track availability data to identify trends, recurring issues, or opportunities for improvement.
  2. Implement Process Improvements: Based on your analysis, take corrective actions such as optimizing work schedules, reducing unplanned downtime, or improving equipment maintenance practices.
  3. Leverage SyteLine Features: Utilize SyteLine’s advanced features like Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Real-Time Production Monitoring, and Business Intelligence (BI) tools to automate data collection, streamline calculations, and improve the accuracy of availability tracking.

By following these steps, manufacturers can accurately calculate availability in SyteLine and obtain valuable insights into their production efficiency.

It is crucial for manufacturing companies to have a clear understanding of their production availability to optimize their operations and maximize output. By accurately calculating manufacturing availability in SyteLine, businesses can identify areas for improvement, streamline processes, and ultimately increase profitability.

Furthermore, monitoring manufacturing availability over time can help organizations track their progress, set performance benchmarks, and make informed decisions to enhance overall efficiency. By regularly analyzing availability data, companies can proactively address issues, minimize downtime, and ensure that production schedules are met consistently.

Tools and Features in SyteLine for Enhanced Accuracy

SyteLine, a comprehensive manufacturing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, offers various tools and features to enhance the accuracy of availability calculations:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: SyteLine provides real-time monitoring capabilities that allow manufacturers to track production processes and identify any issues affecting availability immediately.
  • Automated Data Capture: SyteLine can automatically capture production data, reducing human error and ensuring accurate availability calculations.
  • Data Analytics: SyteLine’s built-in data analytics tools enable manufacturers to gain in-depth insights into availability trends, performance bottlenecks, and potential areas for improvement.

By leveraging these tools and features, manufacturers can improve the accuracy and efficiency of availability calculations, leading to better decision-making and optimized production outcomes.

Moreover, SyteLine offers advanced forecasting capabilities that help manufacturers predict future availability based on historical data and market trends. This forecasting feature allows businesses to proactively plan their production schedules and inventory levels, reducing the risk of stockouts and overstock situations.

SyteLine’s integration with Internet of Things (IoT) devices enables real-time data exchange between production equipment and the ERP system. This seamless connectivity ensures that availability calculations are constantly updated with the latest information from the manufacturing floor, enhancing the overall accuracy of the system.

Common Challenges in Availability Calculation

Calculating manufacturing availability may come with its fair share of challenges. Some common challenges include:

  • Data Accuracy: Collecting accurate data for availability calculations is crucial. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to misleading results and hinder decision-making.
  • Downtime Tracking: Accurately tracking and categorizing downtime events can be challenging, especially in complex manufacturing environments with multiple factors contributing to downtime.
  • Unplanned Downtime: Unplanned downtime, such as equipment failures, can significantly impact availability. Identifying and addressing the root causes of unplanned downtime is essential for improving availability.

Overcoming these challenges requires a combination of effective data management, continuous monitoring, and proactive maintenance strategies to minimize downtime.

Another significant challenge in availability calculation is the consideration of planned downtime. While unplanned downtime is often the focus due to its disruptive nature, planned downtime for maintenance, upgrades, or other scheduled activities must also be factored into availability calculations. Balancing the need for regular maintenance with production requirements can be a delicate task, as extended maintenance periods can reduce overall availability.

Furthermore, the complexity of modern manufacturing systems adds another layer of difficulty to availability calculations. Interconnected machinery, automated processes, and just-in-time production schedules can create dependencies that complicate downtime analysis. Understanding the interplay between different components and processes is crucial for accurately assessing availability and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Integrating Smart Factory Tools for Accurate Availability Insights

Integrating smart factory tools and technologies can further enhance the accuracy of availability insights. Smart factory tools, such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, machine learning algorithms, and predictive maintenance systems, can provide real-time data on equipment performance and identify potential issues before they lead to downtime.

By combining the data from these tools with SyteLine’s availability calculations, manufacturers can create a comprehensive and accurate picture of their production availability. This allows for proactive maintenance, optimized scheduling, and improved overall equipment effectiveness.

IoT sensors play a crucial role in smart factories by collecting data on various parameters such as temperature, pressure, and vibration levels. This data is then analyzed by machine learning algorithms to detect patterns and anomalies that could indicate potential equipment failures. Predictive maintenance systems use this information to schedule maintenance tasks at the most opportune times, reducing the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns.

Furthermore, the integration of smart factory tools with SyteLine’s availability calculations enables manufacturers to not only monitor equipment performance but also to forecast future availability based on historical data and predictive analytics. This proactive approach allows for better resource allocation, reduced production disruptions, and ultimately, increased profitability for manufacturing operations.

Schedule a Mingo Smart Factory Demo Today

Curious to see how many steps it takes to calculate availability in Mingo Smart Factory? The answer is one. The availability calculation is automatically done for you in the manufacturing dashboard

Ready to elevate your manufacturing operations to the next level of efficiency? Mingo Smart Factory offers the perfect solution to seamlessly calculate and optimize your manufacturing availability. With our easy-to-use, rapidly deployable system, you won’t have to worry about outgrowing your manufacturing software. Mingo is designed to empower your operations team, requiring no dedicated IT support, and can connect to any manufacturing equipment, with hardware options available for older machines. Don’t let complexity hold you back. Talk to an Expert today and discover how Mingo Smart Factory can transform your production insights and drive continuous improvement.

Picture of Alyxandra Sherwood
Alyxandra Sherwood
Digital Marketing Manager @ Mingo Smart Factory I Adjunct Professor @ SUNY Geneseo I Boston Marathoner I Second Street Award Winner I Media Professional with 15 Years Experience