How to Calculate Performance in Global Shop

In today’s competitive manufacturing industry, measuring and improving performance is essential for success. With the advancements in technology, we now have access to powerful tools like GlobalShop that streamline operations and provide valuable insights. This article will guide you through the process of calculating manufacturing performance in Global Shop, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your operations.

Value of Performance Metrics When Calculating OEE

One of the critical performance metrics used to assess manufacturing efficiency is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). It measures the percentage of available production time that is truly productive by considering three key factors: availability, performance, and quality.

To calculate OEE accurately in Global Shop, you need to understand the impact of each factor. Availability refers to the portion of time that the equipment is available for production. Performance measures how the equipment operates compared to its optimal speed. Lastly, quality evaluates the percentage of products that meet the required specifications.

By leveraging these performance metrics, Global Shop enables you to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your production processes. It allows you to track the performance of individual equipment or entire production lines, providing valuable insights into areas that require improvement.

Moreover, the data collected through OEE calculations can be used to drive continuous improvement initiatives within your manufacturing facility. By analyzing the OEE trends over time, you can pinpoint recurring issues and implement targeted solutions to enhance overall efficiency. This data-driven approach empowers decision-makers to make informed choices that positively impact the bottom line.

Additionally, OEE metrics can serve as a benchmarking tool to compare the performance of different production units or shifts within your organization. This comparative analysis can reveal best practices employed by top-performing teams, which can then be shared and adopted across the board to elevate overall operational excellence.

Setting Up Your GlobalShop Environment for Accurate Calculations

Before diving into calculating manufacturing performance in Global Shop, it is crucial to ensure you have set up your environment correctly. This includes configuring the necessary data sources and integrating them seamlessly into the system.

Firstly, make sure that all relevant equipment is connected to Global Shop and providing real-time data. This data can be obtained through sensors, IoT devices, or machine integration software. By integrating this real-time data, Global Shop can provide you with up-to-date information on machine performance and overall production efficiency.

Additionally, ensure that the data sources are well-defined and linked to the appropriate production lines or equipment. This ensures accurate measurements by attributing the data to the correct areas of production. With proper configuration, Global Shop can accurately capture and analyze data, enabling you to evaluate manufacturing performance effectively.

It is essential to establish clear benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) within Global Shop. By defining these metrics, you can track progress, identify areas for improvement, and measure the success of your manufacturing operations. These KPIs can range from overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) to specific production line efficiencies, providing a comprehensive view of your manufacturing performance.

Furthermore, consider implementing automated alerts and notifications within Global Shop to promptly address any deviations from expected performance levels. By setting up alerts for downtime, quality issues, or production bottlenecks, you can take immediate corrective actions to minimize disruptions and optimize your manufacturing processes. Utilizing these proactive measures can enhance overall operational efficiency and drive continuous improvement initiatives within your facility.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Manufacturing Performance in GlobalShop

Step 1: Access Global Shop Solutions ERP

  1. Log in to Global Shop Solutions: Use your credentials to access the system. Your role may grant you different levels of access to various modules and features.
  2. Navigate to the Production Module: This module contains the tools and data needed for managing and monitoring production activities, where you’ll find the information required for the performance calculation.

Step 2: Gather the Required Data

To calculate performance, you need three key data points:

  1. Ideal Cycle Time: This is the standard time required to produce one unit under optimal conditions.
    • In Global Shop Solutions, navigate to the Bill of Materials (BOM) or Routing section.
    • Select the relevant part or product.
    • The ideal cycle time is typically listed under the routing details or operation steps for that specific part.
  2. Total Count: This refers to the total number of units produced during the run time.
    • Go to the Shop Floor Control or Production Management section.
    • Locate the specific work order or production run you want to analyze.
    • The total count (quantity produced) can usually be found in the Job Details or Production Summary section.
  3. Run Time: This is the total time the production equipment was actively running to produce the total count.
    • In the same work order or production summary section, find the Run Time data, often labeled as Actual Run Time or Production Time.
    • Ensure that this time excludes any downtime or stoppages to get an accurate performance calculation.

Step 3: Perform the Calculation

With the necessary data collected:

  1. Open a Calculator or Spreadsheet: Global Shop Solutions may not automatically calculate this specific performance metric, so you can perform the calculation externally in Excel or using a calculator.
  2. Calculate Performance:
    • Multiply the Ideal Cycle Time by the Total Count.Divide the result by the Run Time.
Calculating Performance

Step 4: Record and Analyze the Performance

  1. Document the Calculation: Record the calculated performance percentage in a report, spreadsheet, or directly into Global Shop Solutions if your system has custom fields or dashboards for performance metrics.
  2. Compare Against Standards: Assess the calculated performance against internal targets or industry benchmarks to determine if the production process is running efficiently.
  3. Investigate Variances: If the performance is lower than expected, use Global Shop Solutions’ reporting tools to investigate potential issues, such as machine downtime, process inefficiencies, or operator errors.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  1. Monitor Performance Regularly: Continuously track performance metrics to identify trends, recurring issues, or areas for improvement.
  2. Implement Improvements: Based on your findings, take corrective actions such as optimizing production processes, performing preventive maintenance, or providing additional operator training to enhance performance.
  3. Leverage Global Shop Solutions’ Features: Utilize the advanced features of Global Shop Solutions, such as Real-Time Shop Floor Data Collection and Manufacturing Analytics, to automate data collection, streamline calculations, and improve the accuracy of performance tracking.

Integrating Real-Time Data for Enhanced Performance Monitoring

Global Shop’s ability to integrate real-time data is crucial for enhanced performance monitoring. By capturing and analyzing data in real-time, you can quickly identify deviations from optimal performance, potential maintenance issues, or quality concerns.

Real-time data allows you to intervene promptly and minimize production interruptions, reducing downtime and maximizing productivity. With Global Shop’s real-time performance monitoring capabilities, you gain greater visibility into your operations and can respond swiftly to any issues that may impact your manufacturing performance.

Furthermore, the integration of real-time data into performance monitoring systems enables predictive maintenance strategies. By analyzing data patterns and trends as they occur, Global Shop can help anticipate equipment failures before they happen, allowing for proactive maintenance and avoiding costly downtime. This predictive approach to maintenance not only saves time and money but also ensures that your operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Moreover, real-time data integration can also enhance decision-making processes by providing up-to-the-minute insights into production performance. With instant access to key performance indicators and real-time analytics, managers can make informed decisions on the spot, optimizing production processes and maximizing output. Global Shop’s real-time data integration empowers businesses to stay agile and responsive in today’s fast-paced manufacturing environment.

Smart Factory Tools for Accurate Performance Insights

To further enhance your manufacturing performance calculations in Global Shop, consider integrating smart factory tools. These tools leverage technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to provide accurate and insightful performance insights.

Smart factory tools can automate data collection, analysis, and predictive maintenance, helping you achieve even higher levels of efficiency. By harnessing these advanced technologies, you can optimize your operations, minimize waste, and reduce costs.

Moreover, integrating smart factory tools with Global Shop enables seamless data exchange, consolidating all relevant information in one platform. This integration boosts efficiency and simplifies your performance calculations, allowing you to gain deeper insights into your manufacturing processes.

Book a Demo with Mingo Smart Factory Today!

How many steps does it take to calculate performance within the Mingo Smart Factory dashboard? The answer is one.

Ready to elevate your manufacturing performance to the next level? Mingo Smart Factory offers the simplest, fastest-to-implement system that grows with your business. Our productivity platform is designed for quick deployment and ease of use, ensuring you won’t outgrow it. With Mingo, you can customize your experience to meet your unique manufacturing needs without the necessity for dedicated IT support. Whether you’re looking to connect to existing equipment or need hardware for data collection on older machines, Mingo has you covered. Talk to an Expert today and discover how Mingo Smart Factory can transform your operations and drive efficiency.

Picture of Alyxandra Sherwood
Alyxandra Sherwood
Digital Marketing Manager @ Mingo Smart Factory I Adjunct Professor @ SUNY Geneseo I Boston Marathoner I Second Street Award Winner I Media Professional with 15 Years Experience